Monday, December 23, 2013

so sometimes when I feel bored I yell the words CHRISTMAS TREE to the tune of jingle bells.  it's entertaining to me and people think I'm weird. win win.

yesterday we had another snow storm.  I think I understand why they call it the great white north.  people keep telling us the projected total snow accumulation is supposed to be something around 300 inches, a record even for here.  that is definitly new. I might go buy some thermals this week. have some pictures of the drive to church.

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that is not fog, it is sleet and snow.

yay.  the hardest part about it actually is just getting out of the parking lot.  that took about twenty minutes of shovel and pushing the car (in both ours and the church's parking lots) ,  but we made it.  

so yeah.  knocking in the cold is fun.  sometimes.  but the nice thing is that either people are super rude and tell us to get lost someplace warm, or they let us right in to warm up! we have had a couple of cool opportunities like that, where they may have felt uncomfortable letting elders in but they see sisters and sit us down and talk about how they've always seen the elders but have been too afraid to really talk to them. we got some good referrals that way too.

in fact we went to go contact one and found out they live in a private residence with a big sign that says no proselyting but they also had this one: 
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and so this ensued:

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highlight of my night.

the good thing is my companion thinks my obsession with cats is hilarious so we joke about it like it's a joke, but secretly I am serious.

one day...  SOON.

anyway, so Christmas.  haven't really thought about it much to tell the truth, at least not the commercial opening gifts Christmas morning part because we don't really get one of those. but I have given a lot of thought to being Charitable and serving others because whether I really want to or not here I am!  doing it.  having fun.  I am excited to deliver christmas cards, and visit members. we don't really get to go out and talk to people on the holdiay, mission policy.  so my christmas eve will probably end up being quite quiet.  which perhaps is best. 

I think my favorite christmas song this year is probably still Hark the herald angels sing.  all time favorites are the best.  

and in all the message of christmas is the message of the Miraculous saving and redeeming power that began on earth as a baby in a manger. From my personal reading this week I really liked how King Benjamin summed it all up, " And moreover, I say unto you, that there shall be no other name given nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through then name of Christ the Lord Omnipotent."  No wonder there was reason for the Heavens to open and Angels rejoice, the great eternal plan of the father was beginning to be fulfilled.  I know that because Christ conquered all we can overcome our difficulties.  that brings me peace.

I love you all and hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Sister Christensen

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